Common Electrical Problems In House LightingBesides providing the light needed in the home during the night, lighting also serves an aesthetic purpose. Different lighting problems can manifest over time, either due to poor fixtures, and old or deteriorated wiring. The problems can range from a simple light bulb replacement to a more rare and complex electrical system replacement.


Loose and Malfunctioning Light Bulbs

Flickering lights is something that everybody has experience with. If this is an isolated issue, such as a room, it could be the result of bad switch contacts, malfunctioning light bulb or simply a bulb that is loose in its socket. If the issue manifests through the entire home, then the problem may lie with the electrical system in general and calling an electrician would be necessary.


Wiring, Fixtures, and Switches

Another common issue is the quick-burning out o light bulbs which could be the cause of high wattage or extreme power fluctuations, causing the light bulb to overheat. With the power turned off, a thorough check of the wiring is important to make sure that no deterioration or lose wiring is present. Common places where the wiring can come loose is behind the wall switches. Also, the ceiling and all fixtures should be removed and determine if there is loose or deteriorated wiring and should be inspected by an electrician at as soon as possible.