Outdoor Bug Zapper

Phototaxis is truly a remarkable concept. According to scientists, this label describes how animals react to light. Negative phototaxis means that the animals or insects involved are repelled by light, while positive phototaxis describe the exact opposite. When it come to building an outdoor environment to enjoy oneself in, many homeowners choose the easy way out, installing cheap lights that attract and ultimately kill a lot of insects from around your house. Those that aren’t dead usually end up flying around the light and scaring your kids when they go out to play in the evening.


The best bug-friendly outdoor lights are, therefore, those that bugs aren’t attracted to – in other words, they promote negative phototaxis. Now, depending on what types of bugs you want your lights to repel, you’ll find a whole lot of issues. First, insects see differently than we do, and their visible spectrum doesn’t usually include lower wavelength light (warmer colors). So, orange and red light might be all but invisible to most adult insects.


CFL yellow bug lights are considered some of the best bug-friendly lights you can use. Additionally, red colored lights of most kind will definitely do the trick, and LED lights are considered to be even better than CFLs because of the lower Kelvin temperature and the fact that they have almost no UV emmissions.  Ask a local electrician Denver is home to, to be sure what is safe to use for your family.